Check it out. AA Film Lab is back with its annual shoot out. Some good stuff always comes of it. If you got the energy, you should do it.
Hold the dates ladies and gentlemen - JUNE 22-25, 2007, The Fourth Annual 72 Hr Film Shootout is nearly upon us…
Now in it’s 4th year, The Shootout is a nationwide competition where filmmaking teams have 72 hours to write, shoot, edit and produce short digital films up to five minutes on a common theme. The intention of this competition is to create opportunities for Asian Americans to demonstrate their talent, gain exposure in the entertainment industry and to impact the visibility of Asian American stories and characters in film and television. At least one key production member and a lead actor from each team must be of Asian descent.
I had the pleasure in participating in the 2005's 72Hr Shoot out. It was definately one of the most unforgetabble experience. Even now days, I'm still in close touch with the talents in the team. This year, if schedule allows, I'd definately going to it again!!
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