Thursday, March 22, 2007

Warmth of the Tears

So far, the filming of 'Warmth of the Tears' had been smooth. But we have one more shoot day, that takes place on the 29th (Thursday). This is also the day that will cover the core of the entire film. Definately going to be an emotional one.
For the last couple of days, I have been thinking. Even though based on the script, the lead actress is suppose to cry - I wondered if I'm required to cry also? If that's the case, will I be able to cry on cue?

That's something I have no done in any of the film works in the past. The dramatic characters I protraited never really had a 'crying' scene. So, this definately is going to be a challenge for me...

Current Projects:

1) 'Warmth of the Tears' - short supernatural film
2) Pharamcy Photo shoot
3) Candice Music Video - (Tentative... There may be conflicts)

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